In a new school

 In a New School.

Hey there readers. It's me Ish here and it has been a long time since I posted anything and I had recently announced a bulk release and you are reading the first one of it. This is The Teen Vogue. Let's get started.

This is more of a self-story than a guide but I am pretty sure that this will come in handy.
I recently shifted my house and my school. This new school was another campus of my previous one and there was another girl from my old school who was here too. On my first day, I went to the school, I saw a girl my age and asked her to take me to my class. She happily agreed. She showed me the classroom and went inside. I stayed by the edge of the door. I was thinking that what if this campus is completely different from my old one, what if I have no friends, I was completely tensed. But knowing that I had to step inside, I did. I took a seat. Soon another girl arrived and started asking me about my hobbies and interests. It was weird at first, but then I remembered that the friend who knew me and studied here had told them all about me. Now the girl who was asking about my hobbies is my best friend. Then I soon learned about all the teachers and subjects. The school was so big that I thought I would be lost somewhere so I asked my NEW-FRIENDS to walk me through the school for a few days. Everything went so well. Except for one thing, my marks. The teachers were new to me and I took time adjusting to it. I did well in every subject except maths. Which also got better later. My marks got their pace back till the annual exams.
         The conclusion to this is that your popularity and the number of friends you get after going to a new school depends on you and your choice. But in most cases, your marks get low, although it can be later recovered. 

I am sure this was helpful to you in some way. And I'll be doing more of such stuff. If you have any doubts or questions, you can fill up my comments section. And also, I have not copied my content from any website and have written it on my own.
I'd be tackling issues related to studies, friendship, career, choices, and more. Being a teenager is hard, but let's face it together. I am open to suggestions so you can mail me at-
A kind request to my readers, if you comment under the blog then make sure your name is displayed. If you don't own an account then make sure you leave your name in the comments.
Thank you for reading.


  1. Hey ish. Recently I had a maths exam and it was an important one. Reading your experience about math. I think I can get some help. The exam I told about, I didn't perform good in it at all. I m afraid of mu result and I performed so poor that I may hv to even repeat the exam. I have been tensed and worried. Plz help

    1. Hi Sara. Ish here. Sorry to hear about your Math exam. If you would have told me or someone else about your math exam, I am sure you would have been confident about the results. But now it is back in time and we do not have a time machine, now do we?
      Now take a deep breathe and be relaxed. When your results come, analyze it and learn where you did not get good marks, question by question. After which, re-do the exams if you have to, because you won't have a choice. And after that, in the next exam, you will know where your weak points are and then work hard on those specific topics and I can assure you that you will get better marks in the next exam.
      From The Teen Vogue


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