Creatures of the Night...

Creatures of the Night...

Hey there readers. I am Ish here. And you are reading THE TEEN VOGUE. The one-stop Blogspot for all your teen-related issues and their solutions. I had committed in one of my previous blogs THE RUDE CRUDE that I will soon be posting horror stories and therefore I present THE CREATURES OF THE NIGHT. Let's get started.

1) Aren't you glad you didn't turn the lights on?
This one is the most famous of all the horror short stories. There once were two college roomies. Lisa of them was the one who does all of her work on time and tops the classes (basically me). Another one was spoilt and always went to night parties, her name was Jenna. One day, Jenna went to another night party and Lisa was studying late for her next day's test. When Jenna returned to her room at 3 in the morning, it was dark and she thought that Lisa would be asleep so she did not turn on the lights. When Jenna woke up the next morning, she tried to wake Lisa up but she did not move. Then Jenna saw something above her mirror. "AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU DIDN'T TURN THE LIGHTS ON?" was written with blood and Lisa was dead. 

2) The toy telephone
I am using a narrative way of writing this one but this one did not happen to me
  I love sweet nostalgia. So when I turned 20 my parents offered me to look over my old clothes and toys. They had stored them in such a way that not a single one of them was spoilt through time. When I was looking through it, I found an old telephone. It wasn't a toy. It was a real one. My mom told me that it had broken and I liked it very much so they disconnected the chords and gave it to me to play. I did not finish looking through all of the stuff so I had stored the boxes in my room. At night, I heard my phone was ringing. I checked it to see that my battery was all dead so I plugged the charger in. Then I heard the phone ringing again louder now that I was near to the boxes. I checked through them and found out that my toy telephone was ringing. With immense fear, I picked it up. I just heard a girl say, 
"Christie, you forgot me. You and I were so close right?"
 I shivered and asked, "Who are you?".
 The answer came up quick "I am Natalie". 
No further voices were heard after. I did not sleep all night. I described the whole event to my parents the next day. They looked worried and said, 
"As a child, you always said that a girl named Natalie called you and talked to you through that telephone. We thought it was just a fragment of your imagination" 
But maybe it wasn't...
(This was made up by me. Make sure you tell me how these were in the comments section)

I am sure this was helpful to you in some way. And I'll be doing more of such stuff. If you have any doubts or questions, you can fill up my comments section. And also, I have not copied my content from any website and have written it on my own.
I'd be tackling issues related to studies, friendship, career, choices, and more. Being a teenager is hard, but let's face it together. I am open to suggestions so you can mail me at-
A kind request to my readers, if you comment under the blog then make sure your name is displayed. If you don't own an account then make sure you leave your name in the comments.
Thank you for reading.


  1. That was stunning, girl...
    I really liked it! ����


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